Sexuality Counseling in the 5 Streams: TMA Conference Workshop on the 5 Types of Counseling for SSA

1 year ago

Here's my presentation at the inaugural conference of the Transformation Ministries Alliance June 22-24, 2023. I review the 5 streams of views in the church regarding homosexuality and gender identity: Condemnation, Affirmation/Side A/Revel, Accommodation/Side B/Resist, Mortification/Side Y/Renounce, and Transformation/Side X/Rebuild. I describe the types of counseling unique to each stream, and I argue for why Transformation is the best, and how Reintegrative Therapy serves as a helpful tool in Transformation and how it can be applied to clients coming from any of the streams!

#TransformationMinistriesAlliance #TMA #sexuality #ReintegrativeTherapy #LGBT #SideAGayChristianity #SideBGayChristianity #exLGBT #exgay #SAFETherapy #Revoice

Nicolosi Jr, J. (2018). Resolving trauma and addiction: The Reintegrative Protocol. Journal of Human Sexuality, 6, 59-69.
Pela, C., & Sutton, P. (2021). Sexual attraction fluidity and well-being in men: A therapeutic outcome study. Journal of Human Sexuality, 12, 61-86.
Rosik, C. H., Lefevor, G. T., & Beckstead, A. L. (2022, June 16). Sexual minorities responding to sexual orientation distress: Examining 33 methods and the effects of sexual identity labeling and theological viewpoint: Supplemental materials. Spirituality in Clinical Practice. Advance online publication.

My interview with the leaders of the Transformation Ministries Alliance, founder Daniel Mingo and director Derek Paul:

For a deep dive on these topics:
The 4 Differing Views in the Church on LGBT:
A video of Linda Seiler presenting her modification of the 4 Views, the 5 Streams, which I used in my presentation:
My interview with Dr. Rosik on the 33 Methods study and the 4 Options Survey:
My interview with Joseph Nicolosi, Jr. and Carolyn Pela, discussing the Pela & Sutton study showing that Reintegrative Therapy is safe and effective in exploring sexual attraction fluidity:
My response to the Renounce/Mortification stream's (Becket Cook and others) criticism of ex-gay ministry:
My response to the Side B/Resist/Accommodation stream's (Preston Sprinkle and Tony Scarcella) criticism of ex-gay ministry:
My analysis as to the church's opposition to the Transformation stream:
My case for the Transformational stream:
Jon Harris and Jared Moore promoting the Mortification approach:
Doug Wilson and Jared Moore debate the Mortification stream's conflict over the sinfulness of SSA feelings:
My response to Christopher Yuan's and Rosaria Butterfield's (former) opposition to the Transformation stream:
My response to Gregory Cole's (Side B celibate gay Christian) criticism of the Pela & Sutton study:
Daren Mehl and me presenting at a conference, addressing the "conversion therapy" myths:
My presentation at a conference, explaining what actually happens in Reintegrative Therapy:
My video explaining the Self-State Model:

00:03:55 - Workshop objectives.
00:06:37 - My background.
00:08:37 - Condemnation Stream.
00:10:41 - Condemnation "counseling" (shame, punishment).
00:12:13 - Clarification on aversive behaviorist techniques.
00:14:48 - Affirmation Stream.
00:15:53 - LGBT/Gay-Affirmative Therapy.
00:18:23 - Clarification on Person-Centered Therapy.
00:21:01 - Accommodation Stream.
00:24:28 - Sexual Identity Therapy Framework.
00:25:51 - Mortification Stream.
00:27:05 - Nouthetic/Biblical Counseling.
00:29:21 - Clarification on the differences between Mortification and Transformation.
00:35:41 - Transformation Stream.
00:37:58 - Ex-Gay Ministry and SAFE-T (Sexual Attraction Fluidity Exploration in Therapy).
00:41:37 - Reintegrative Therapy.
00:47:34 - 4 Options Survey and 33 Methods Study.
00:49:45 - How the study validates Reintegrative Therapy.
00:52:50 - Applying RT to Condemnation clients.
00:56:22 - Applying RT to Affirmation clients.
00:59:45 - Applying RT to Accommodation clients.
01:02:00 - Applying RT to Mortification clients.
01:03:03 - Applying RT to Transformation clients.
01:04:49 - Conclusion.

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God bless!
-Andrew Rodriguez

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