RBH 12 Tech - FB Arcata, Meta Tanks, Norway Digital Privacy

1 year ago

Well, well, well, looks like our favorite tech giant turned 'non-profit' is at it again, pulling the strings behind the scenes! Arcata, CA, a quaint little town known for its picturesque charm, is now a victim of Meta's grand scheme. Who would've thought that a tech giant could have such a tight grip on small town development interests? It's almost impressive how they manage weasel their way in while pretending to have altruistic intentions. But hey, who needs transparency when you can just bank on the blind trust of the masses, right?

In the realm of social media, there's a new kid on the block, or should I say, there was? Meta's so-called 'Twitter rival' named 'Threads' has been struggling to stay afloat. Oh, how the mighty have fallen! It's almost hilarious to see how they managed to lose half of their daily users in just 10 days. I mean mabie they thought no need for competition already being the undisputed king of the internet, right, Meta? With its vast empire of users across various platforms, its surprising that they didn't do better research on desired features. Bravo, Meta, bravo!
RBH 12 Tech - FB Arcata, Meta Tanks, Norway Digital Privacy

Now, let's talk about Norway, the land of beautiful fjords, and now, the land of privacy rights champions! Norway's decision to temporarily ban Meta's invasive advertising is undoubtedly a triumph for privacy advocates everywhere. It's quite commendable that Norway has taken a stand against the data-hungry behemoth that Meta has become. Kudos to them for valuing user privacy over corporate greed! But, let's be real here, folks. It's just a "temporary" ban, which means Meta will probably find some other sneaky way to exploit users' personal information soon enough. After all, they've made an art out of bending the rules in their favor.

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