RBH 12 $$$ - SF Bans Cashless Stores, MasterCard Biometrics, UK Social Credit

1 year ago

RBH 12 $$$ - SF Bans Cashless Stores, MasterCard Biometrics, UK Social Credit


California, the land of progressive dreams finally gets something right. San Francisco has proudly declared that they are banning cashless stores because apparently, it harms the poor. Nothing says "helping the poor" like limiting their payment options and forcing them into a cashless society! Is it only a matter of time till the Gavinator steps in to Extinguish this little brush fire of logic In his old stomping grounds?

But wait, there's more! Mastercard, the ever-innovative tech giant, has launched their latest piece of genius - paying with your face or hand! Because using a good old credit card or cash is just too archaic for our modern society. Who needs privacy when you can have your biometric data floating around in the vast abyss of corporate servers? I'm sure identity theft and security breaches are just figments of our imagination!

Oh, but don't worry, the UK has joined the cashless party too! Small businesses that have the audacity to cling onto cash and resist the cashless craze are being rewarded with their bank accounts being shut down. Bravo, UK, bravo! Because what could possibly be more patriotic than forcing businesses to conform to your digital agenda or face financial ruin? It's called "freedom of choice," folks - the freedom to choose cashless or, well, nothing!

It's truly a time to celebrate the wonders of technology and progressivism. Who needs financial autonomy and personal privacy when you can simply wave your hand or show your face to make a purchase? And who cares about the businesses that prefer to stick with good old-fashioned cash? They must be living in the stone age, right?

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