'#FatherOfMuzik' says; "We learned #MensRights ARE #FathersRights from #MBKSF" - Full story @ locals

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11 months ago

Truth: within creativity & the human psyche Written by DaamnKam February 21st, 2021 9:21 pm
'We assure you We have both feet firmly planted on the ground at this time in spite what may or may not be construed as sufficient evidence to indicate anything to the contrary. Yes, there have been many times We’ve played with reality as a construct resulting from Seriously asking Ourself, “Who Am I?” We don’t consider that a defect or something that merits a changing of courses dressed as an act of ‘correction’. We’d argue that one must at least poses a general sense of gravity to produce an original, cutworthy cringeout of personified philosophically intellectual regurgitation such as this. Could We really be all that far off base or way out there in the stratosphere & still maintain a life of spiritual principals(?) equating to what I’d like to believe to be an exquisitely honest piece of modern melancholically, i.e. transcribed literature. (cough cough) Of course that is a whimsical statement We’re adding as a footnote on the ass of what was already an incoherent remark on the goulash lately being served to the human race at an extremely trying period of time. Our own understanding of the relationships between what constitutes one’s ‘mental health’, ones personalized ‘potential for creativity’ & one’s grasp of what is ‘Fundamentally True’. And all with such humility!

Like any typical individual, Our philosophy, (way of approaching life) has predominantly been shaped by watching other ways of being & avoiding those which bring misery, (falseness, negative, dark), ultimately striving to replicate what We determine to be ‘good’, (true, desirable, decent, positive, light). We've spent a lot of time critically contemplating Ourself, a quite indifferent endeavor when 'predominantly thinking of Oneself', under a selfish guise. We've spent much of Our days distinguishing what is true from what is false, what is Real from what is fake, what works & what’s broken... essentially investigating for information sake.
We find it all to unfortunate that so many people fail to question their own beliefs, (especially about themselves!). There’s a variety of rationale propelling this philosophy, not the least of which is Fear. Just as folks are afraid of what they don’t understand, We’re also afraid of how the world sees us. In fact, it’s arguably more about how We believe the world sees us. We often incorporate different facets of our personalities at different times, some psychologists have taken to calling these ‘masks’. It’s estimated that the average individual in Western society ‘wears’ up to nine different ‘masks’ on a regular basis. These so called ‘masks’ are appropriately named as a mask is often part of a costume. If We were to put on a façade when around certain groups of people, the group will develop a false idea of who you are. This is very convenient when one is worried about rejection & ridicule, fore if the group was to offend your character… it wouldn’t really be Your character that’s in question. When We wear a false face We intentionally, (rarely unknowingly), chose to lie about who We are. Sure, the specifics of the ‘lie’ might be considerably ‘harmless’, but when one engages in this behavior their robbing those people of their right to the truth.
(We’d prefer being wrong to being misunderstood; at least then there’s a chance I can eventually get it right.)

Interestingly, the ruby-red-ramble you’ve just read was written less than one month before We experienced Our first real psychological breakdown; stress induced & seemingly out of nowhere, One day Our brain sort of short-circuited. Our doctors have convinced Us that it was the result of both extreme amounts of pressure from the specifics of entering into ‘new parenthood’ with an individual who wore the ultimate mask… Diagnosed with ‘NPD’, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Our sons mother chose to create an elaborate lie that ultimately took Our son away & landed Us in trouble with the law for the first time in years & years, (since Our active addiction). We were in a state of psychosis for nearly three whole months preceding the surprise restraining order We received. Living & working out of a hotel for months, as a new father We were actively engaged in Our sons life nearly every day for the first seven months. At the time this was written, very shortly before the unexpected restraining order, We were both attending couples counseling & she led Us to believe she’d, “Never take Our son away like she did the others.” (Referring to her previous children & all their fathers.)
*For the full story, visit thatDaamnTalkspot Community (locals.com) & join the DaamnTalk! ( https://thatdaamntalkspot.locals.com ) -DaamnKam


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