Climate activism: Increasingly effective, or increasingly annoying? Annoying AF 4K

1 year ago

It should be a cause of wonderment that eco-activism has remained so peaceful. Scholars should study why it is that those who are most alert to the danger of the climate collapse and the biodiversity breakdown are responding with non-violent actions like tying themselves to goalposts, throwing food at glass, or gluing themselves to showroom luxuries instead of, say, blowing up gas terminals or assassinating the c-suite leaders of petro-giants.

As if they could even do any of this. If they did they would be considered a true threat to peace and would involuntarily give up their lives for the cause as so called martyrs.
The common response to these operations is annoyance or dismay. The protestors who staged attacks on priceless works of art assumed that people would react with disgust at their temerity. That response makes their point for them – we prefer the symbols of our civilisation to actually being civilised and changing the present trajectory that is putting the lives of millions of people (and millions of species) at risk.

The problem with these protests is not that ordinary people are disrupted. A civil disobedience campaign that doesn’t disrupt people is just obedience. The deeper problem with these tactics is that they misunderstand the present challenge in terms of environmental adaptation. The justification for all the measures – whether that is blocking motorways or dousing offices in paint – is the raising of awareness.

I often wonder if these people are truly in it for the "planet" given they cry and complain that people from an overall standpoint are to blame for the decline in our whatever but they seem to not realize that the majority of population from the world comes from China and India. How does embarrassing yourself infant of westerns get you anything when the real problem is overseas? Guess you really aren't made for this or for the cause you would be marching into Hong Kong waiting to be arrested for this bullshit. Let's Discuss theses Greenies.

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