Debt trap relentless lying by US & EU is an insult to intelligence of developing states

10 months ago

“debt trap" relentless lying by US & EU is an insult to intelligence of developing states 马凯硕: 美歐無情的謊言炒作“债务陷阱”是侮辱发展中国家智商

Kishore Mahbubani, Former President of the UN Security Council says in an event that the Western's narrative of "debt trap" is an insult to the intelligence of developing countries 新加坡国立大学亚洲研究院研究员、新加坡前常驻联合国代表马凯硕在著作《亚洲的21世纪》(The Asian 21st Century)中文版发布会上表示,西方将“一带一路”倡议炒作为所谓“债务陷阱外交”,这是对全球南方国家“智商的侮辱”。

For example, Mahbubani said that the China-Laos railway has brought development opportunities to Laos and improved people's living conditions; the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway jointly built by China and Indonesia under the framework of the "Belt and Road Initiative" is also expected to improve the lives of the Indonesian people. "Although China is a developing country, it is willing to share the fruits of development with other countries." Mahbubani said that at present, more than 150 countries have signed memorandums of understanding with China on jointly building the "Belt and Road", which is a clear "vote of confidence". 马凯硕举例说,中老铁路给老挝带来发展机遇,人民生活条件得到改善;中国与印度尼西亚在“一带一路”框架下共建的雅万高铁,也有望改善印尼人民生活。“中国虽然是发展中国家,但乐于同其它国家分享发展成果”。马凯硕说,目前已有超过150个国家与中国签署共建“一带一路”谅解备忘录,这是明确投下的“信任票”。

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