Pastor Artur Pawlowski Reacts To Dictator Trudeau’s Divorce: Canadian Tyrant Ending 18 Year Marriage

1 year ago

Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister and dictator of Canada, made a surprise announcement yesterday.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski joins Stew to talk about Trudeau’s sudden divorce and the Prime Minister’s anti-Christian ways.
Justin Trudeau is splitting from his wife of 18 years, Sophie.

His father, Pierre Trudeau, also a prime minister, was infamous for his many affairs.
Why would his son be any different?
If you believe the alternative theory about Fidel Castro being Justin’s father then it must be noted that Castro was known to have many women as well.

Trudeau’s storybook family life was promoted by a media that either directly promoted those lies themselves, or naively believed them.

They pushed these lies so that they could help Justin Trudeau take power so that he could transform his nation into a left-wing dictatorship.

They needed Trudeau around, so that he can crush whatever is left of conservatism in Canada, and whatever is left of Christianity.

From the very beginning, pastor Artur Pawlowski has been defending those most in need from the tyrannical excesses of the Trudeau regime.

In 2020, he was attacked by police and given a massive fine for “breaking quarantine” to preach the gospel and minister to the homeless.

Artur’s son Nathaniel just recently appeared before the European parliament to warn about what has happened to the once-great, once-Christian nation of Canada.
Trudeau is a modern day Roman emperor the likes of Caligula.

Canada used to be considered a Christian nation. That is not the case today as the country has embraced pagan secularism.
Canadian tyranny should be looked at as a warning to the rest of the world to what can happen in other countries.

The global elite are attaching the middle class in an attempt to create a global slave state.
Justin Trudeau grew up in a broken home with fornicating parents.

Christianity is under attack all across the West. This is because God has been removed from the public square and when that happens it produces lawlessness.

The government can take down 1 person but they cannot take down 10 million.
Millions of God fearing people must rise up and refuse to cooperate in this beast system.

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