Sher ki khal me gadha| washerman and donkey

9 months ago

Once upon a time, in a certain village, there lived a washerman named Raju. Raju had a loyal donkey named Peach, whom he used to take with him every day to do his laundry work. Despite his fondness for donkey Raju was a stingy man when it came to feeding his donkey properly.

As days went by, donkey’shealth began to deteriorate due to the lack of nourishment. One afternoon, while returning home from the forest after collecting clothes, poor donkey staggered and fell under the burden of the heavy load. Raju was concerned about his donkey's condition and decided to take a short break to rest before continuing the journey.

As he went a little further into the forest, Raju couldn't believe his eyes. He stumbled upon the lifeless body of a fierce tiger lying near a rocky ledge. The sight of the tiger's majestic skin gave him a brilliant idea. Raju quickly hatched a plan and decided to use the tiger's skin to deceive the villagers.

With a mischievous grin on his face, Raju carefully removed the tiger's skin and skillfully draped it over Peach's back, concealing the donkey's identity beneath the fearsome disguise. Now, disguised as a fierce lion, Peach looked like a true king of the jungle.

The next morning, Raju took the donkey, now transformed into a "lion," to the nearby fields where the farmers were working. As soon as the farmers caught a glimpse of the "lion" approaching, they were petrified with fear. The news of a wild lion roaming in their fields spread like wildfire, and everyone fled in terror, leaving behind their work and crops.

Meanwhile, donkey,unaware of the commotion he had caused, roamed through the fields, munching on fresh green grass without any fear. He felt a newfound sense of freedom and confidence, thanks to his disguised appearance.

Raju couldn't contain his amusement as he watched the farmers flee in terror. He decided to keep the secret of Peach's identity to himself, enjoying the fun and excitement the lion disguise brought.

Days turned into weeks, and donkey the "lion," continued his routine of grazing freely in the fields while the farmers cautiously stayed away. Raju's business thrived, and he earned more money due to the fascinating story of the lion in the fields.

However, one day, fate had other plans. A group of travelers passing through the village saw the lion grazing nonchalantly in the fields. They were perplexed to find a wild lion in such an unusual setting. Curiosity got the better of them, and they approached cautiously to observe the extraordinary sight.

As the travelers got closer, they noticed something peculiar about the "lion." One keen-eyed traveler saw the disguise slipping off Peach's back, revealing the truth beneath. To the astonishment of the travelers, they realized that the fearsome lion was, in fact, a simple donkey!

The truth came to light, and the news spread like wildfire through the village. The villagers, feeling both amused and relieved, went back to their usual routines in the fields. Raju, on the other hand, learned a valuable lesson about honesty and the consequences of deceit.

From that day on, Raju vowed never to deceive anyone again and promised to take proper care of Peach, the donkey, with love and kindness. The village became a lively place once more, with the story of the "lion" donkey becoming a favorite tale passed down through generations, reminding everyone of the importance of truth and compassion. And so, the adventures of donkey , the accidental lion, and Raju, the reformed washerman, became a cherished memory in the heart of the village for years to come.

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