STUNNING Cover-Up by J6 Committee?

10 months ago

The outrageous news that you can’t even make up continues as the Left-led January 6th Committee (J6 Committee) in charge of probing the chaos at the U.S. Capitol in 2021 failed to keep essential records from its investigation. Further, the committee can’t prove that it investigated the security failures at the Capitol.
Fox News reports:
"The House select committee that investigated the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021 failed to adequately preserve documents, data and video depositions – including communications it had with the Biden White House that are still missing – according to the Republican lawmaker overseeing the GOP investigation into the committee’s work.
The now-disbanded “J6” committee, which was run by Democrats and included only two GOP members, has also failed to provide any evidence that it looked into Capitol Hill security failures on the day of the riot, Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight for the Committee on House Administration, told Fox News Digital."
Apparently, even in 2023, with all the modern technology available, politicians can’t even manage the simple task of keeping records (including video depositions, which would be highly vital to preserve). Do politicians need to learn how to back up files or save documents? Does Congress need to update its server space? Or is it possible the committee purposely didn’t preserve the records? I’ll let you be the judge.
Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) says the data received from the J6 committee was a mess:
"Nothing was indexed. There was no table of contents index. Usually when you conduct this level of investigation, you use a database system and everything is digitized, indexed. We got nothing like that. We just got raw data. . . . So it took us a long time going through it and one thing I started realizing is we don’t have anything much at all."
Can you believe an investigation at the highest level of government involving the former President of the United States was so sloppy? The Deep State murkiness continues . . .
Loudermilk then directly accused the J6 Committee of solely working to condemn former President Donald Trump rather than do its job. He saw through the Deep State interference going on with the J6 Committee. It only had a singular focus: to blame the riots on Donald Trump at all costs.
The J6 Committee must be held accountable for its shocking display of incompetence. Remember, in November 2022, then-House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy demanded that the J6 Committee keep all records and promised that House Republicans would conduct their own investigation into “why the Capitol complex was not secure.” We will keep an eye on this developing story to see how Speaker McCarthy responds.
Our Sekulow broadcast also highlighted our new ACLJ Life & Liberty Drive Prayer Guide, which is free to download in conjunction with our Life & Liberty Drive. We recognize that not everyone can afford to donate to our mission right now, but you can pray for us. The prayer guide lists requests related to our work in America and abroad. We want everyone to download the prayer guide and pray daily for us. With your fervent prayers, we can win the ACLJ’s battles for life and liberty. Download here for free.

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