1 year ago

Hundreds of threating messages it is that cannot & will not continue , So I will be focusing all my time on finding & kiling this person !! & their children !! This is THE number of a Rapist Who Takes Pleasure in Raping all Day all night he calls the phone why because he is with the police same person who called in THE fake Swat !! While I was Live While he ws calling in threatening !!!! Now you mother fuking police!! It is Still God Damn Threating Asselt harassments t !! So you see how pleased they are !! Well They Because I decided to share have are doing it again never stopped !!! & you wonder why your worlds are filled with hate & fear , Why does this phone not have a block call function !!!!!!!!!!!!! it would be the very first thing on a functional tool !! But all of you are idiots & fools !!! Feck every one of you !! I hope in the Name of Christ every one of your children Dies !! in tenement being raped !! Fuk evry one of you !!!

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