DON'T BE BORED! - Stay 90 days in Thailand

10 months ago

Here are 4 great reasons to spend 90 days in Thailand this season. Contact us to get started:

So how can you spend 90 days in Thailand?

Even though many of you listening to this video can enter Thailand without a visa, if you do want to spend 90 days at a time, this is not the be the ideal way to do it, since you can only stay for up to 2 months before having to leave the country.

Instead, it’s best to apply for a 60 day Tourist Visa and then get a 30 day extension while you’re here in Thailand.

Almost every country in the world is eligible for the 60 day visa.
And if you need help getting it, you can click on the link in the description below.

Not only will we help you with the visa application, but we will also find a place for you to stay for the 3 months, or help you to travel around Thailand to either the cities or the beaches or the mountains, whatever you prefer.

Digital Nomads

Since so many people are now able to work remotely, why stay home in your country?
Why work at your boring home?
Why work at your boring neighborhood coffee shop?

If you are single and can work outside of your country, Thailand is the perfect place for you.
We have some of the fastest internet in the world.
Normal internet speeds here are gigabyte uploads and downloads.
So it’s perfect to upload and download huge files.
Not only that, but there is no firewall to block sites like some other countries.

Thailand also has a huge variety of coworking spaces and coffee shops that are perfect for working if you don’t want to work in a hotel or airbnb.

But are you allowed to work in Thailand?

The main thing to be careful of, is that you are not accepting any kind of employment or earning any money from sources in Thailand. If you meet those requirements you should not have any problems and you will be joining tens of thousands of digital nomads who work in and out of Thailand over the years.

Finally, Out of all the countries in SouthEast Asia, Thailand also has the absolute best nightlife and entertainment options, whether you’re in Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai or Phuket.

The nightlife here is absolutely awesome!

Work hard for a few hours in the day, have a great dinner, and then play hard at night.
Just don’t drink too much!

And when your 90 days are up, you can go to another country, or do a border run and repeat another 90 days in Thailand.

So you’re thinking of retiring in Thailand.


You’ve watched almost all the videos on Youtube.
You’ve heard about the nightlife
You’ve seen pictures the beaches
And maybe even learned how to say “sa-wa-dee-krab”.

But, can you really live here?

Do you understand what it takes to live in a culture that is so dramatically different from yours?

Spending 90 days in Thailand is the perfect way to “check things out”.

You would get a chance to visit different neighborhoods, towns and cities.
You can figure out if you like the beach life, or the city life, or prefer to spend your time near the farm.

You will get an idea of what things cost, and start to get a budget in your head of what it would cost to live here every month.

You could even begin to lay the groundwork for retiring, but renting a condo in the area that you like. Or even start the retirement visa process.

More importantly, you can make some friends when you’re ready to retire.
Just be careful to make some Thai friends, not only foreign friends.

Because if you only have foreign friends, you will be learning about Thailand from an outsider's eyes, which is not totally bad, but could have an overly negative or overly positive viewpoint from their own experiences and biases.

Another huge reason to visit Thailand is to check out the business opportunities.

There is a funny saying that goes something like this…
“A good way to make a big fortune into a small fortune is to do business in Thailand”.

But if you are careful, this need not be the case.

Thousands of foreigners have registered companies and are successfully doing business in Thailand.

Did you know that you can actually register a company, open a corporate bank account and do business in Thailand even if you don’t live here?

If you have a business that can be done remotely from your home, this is a great alternative if you are not yet ready to permanently live in Thailand.

This business can hire Thai staff, pay taxes, and earn funds that you can send back to your own country.

Then once you’re ready to move to Thailand, you can apply for a business visa and a work permit.

Your Thai company can own land in Thailand and even other companies.

Thailand company law is very similar to many other advanced countries. The usual company structure is a Limited Liability Company.

Regardless of what you do, the choice of a Thai partner is a very important decision.

#thaivisa #thailand #thaifood

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