Existence Above Government. On the Monetarist Financial Pyramid

11 months ago

The masses reign with the government at the top of the hierarchy.
The government is the greatest and can decide anything.
That is the general perception.

But that is a big mistake.
Capitalism, in other words, means "moneyism.
Money = power. It's a framework where the richer you are, the greater you are.

In the financial pyramid, we have multinational corporations on top of the US government.

Because google, amazon, exxon, pfizer, etc. are doing business all over the world,
They have become as financially powerful as a single country.

On top of the multinationals are the largest banks.
On top of the banks is the central bank, the FRB.
And above them, the international banks, the IMF and BIS.

And reigning at the top, the royal conglomerate Morgan, Rocke, Child.

Maier Amschel Rothschild, who laid the foundation of the European conglomerates, said
Give a country the right to issue and control its own currency. Then it will not matter who makes the laws."

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