GOD'S VENGEANCE is a Self-Evident Truth.. There is No Escaping It. The RECORD WILL Speak For Itself

1 year ago

As The Reality of the Self-Evident TRUTH Has Been Made Manifest, All Those that Oppose it will be Judged by it .. Ana-Krino says it all and the Obviousness of the Manifestations Speak for themselves .. Is the Vatican a Serpent ?? Is the Largest alter a Dead Sheep ?? Does Lucifer sit in the seat of Elohiym?? Did Jesus say If you are Not with me , you are KATAH ?? The Horror That is Coming is Beyond their Comprehension and The TRAP THEY Set Has BECOME Their OWN !!


You can download and view all his videos at www.kleckfiles.com.

Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
Jonathan Kleck is the Angel of the Church of Philadelphia. Revelation 3:7-13.
All Glory to the LORD God!!


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