
1 year ago

这是中共和俄罗斯政府和邪恶势力针对乌克兰和印度和韩国和日本和台湾和美国和北约和全人类的军事侵略行动。他们这样做的目的是制造虚假的气候危机和尽量多收税和让人类无法拥有枪支和奴役和毁灭全人类和强迫人类使用有中心化货币和干扰人类的大选和在大选中作弊。This is an act of military aggression by the CCP and the Russian government and evil forces against Ukraine, India, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, the United States, NATO, and all mankind. Their purpose in doing this is to create a false climate crisis and tax as much as possible to prevent human beings from owning guns, enslaving and destroying all human beings, forcing human beings to use centralized currencies, interfering with human elections and cheating in general elections.

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