AI's true threat | Link inside to read #ai #artificialintelligence #creativity

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AI’s True Threat
The Emergence of Artificial Creativity In the hearts
JUL 2, 2023

From the moment artificial intelligence (AI) entered our lives, a worldwide fascination with the convergence of technology, psychology, and life bloomed. As people considered the potential opportunities and risks AI offers, we’ve edged toward a significant revelation.

This revelation is about to expose the true motives concealed in the minds of people, including your own. The driving force behind this intrigue isn’t admiration or curiosity. It is fear. But the cause of this fear isn’t AI, despite its superior thinking and high-performance capabilities. Rather, it is the prospect of artificial creativity.

Every person has the capacity to perform tasks, solve problems, innovate, and grow. This capacity of development occurs through a systematic sequence of thinking, acting, verifying, and improving.

However, without the infusion of creativity, these abilities remain confined within boundaries, unable to generate novelty or significant value.

My focus is on a unique aspect of creativity. I am referring to the singular, non-reproducible spark that ignites all creation.

Many may hesitate to admit it or perhaps have never deeply considered it, but the fear arises from the potential of artificial creativity.
The fear is of AI’s emotional output surpassing that of a human. It’s a worry that AI-generated content, be it a personal letter, a heartfelt poem, or a piece of art, could resonate more deeply with people than if a human were the author.

Imagine this scenario: You receive a letter from someone with whom you’ve had a disagreement. The words they’ve written move you so much that you immediately feel a sense of peace and reconciliation. Then, you discover that the poignant letter was not written by the individual, but by an AI. This is the fear I am highlighting: the emerging dependence on AI for forming emotional bonds.

In my view, this dependency marks a point of no return.

If people start to trust AI with the ability to touch their hearts and those of others, allowing it to tap into the sacred wellspring of creativity, they may gradually lose this capability themselves. They could become emotionally dormant, experiencing a sort of ‘heart death.’ I perceive this as the true risk we face.

For this reason, I urge individuals of all ages to delve into their own reservoirs of creativity. I am not talking about functional creativity, like devising ad campaigns, but the kind of creativity that transcends the mundane and takes one to fresh and novel realms, beyond the reach of imagination.

Without this type of creativity, what significance humanity has? And with it, what fears could possibly intimidate us?

It is crucial to focus on this now, before AI surpasses humans and artificial creativity is planted in the hearts.

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