Will Poland Take Up Arms Against Russia?

1 year ago

Will Poland Take Up Arms Against Russia?

The Dose Makes the Poison

Dr. Ten-penny recently stated to me when considering Dr. Carrie Madej's protocol of 21ml of 3% food-grade peroxide to 500ml IV bag that the "Dose makes the poison - 21cc IV would be a poison. It's the dose" Carrie gave our family 4 times greater than she publicly announced with Dr. Northrop. Two and half months before coming to our home.

I want to make clear that the Nebulizing formula of Carrier Madej mentions in her interview with Dr. Northrop is NOT the same that administered to my father-in-law. Dr. Madej administered eight (8) times greater in her dosage to him. This is a statistically significant difference.

There will be far more information forthcoming.
Dr. Carrie Madej is a MURDERER.

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