On the Ether Wind, GPS and History of Interferometry

1 year ago

Presented 7/16/23 on @GLOBEBUSTERS1 Season 9 Episode 10 - Ether Wind, GPS and Interferometry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVw4_79YP3c

Edit: Video starts around ~5 minutes.

The Sagnac effect is shown to be a linear effect that is directional dependent (West to East). On top of that GPS proves a preferred reference frame a varying speed of light based on the range measurement equation and GPS' time interval system. Special Relativity is mathemtically invalidated by GPS as well by producing non-covariant transformations from the ECI frame to literally any other frame. All interferometry proves that we live on a stationary non-rotating planar Earth.

Sources and pptx and pdf versions of the presentation:
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Matt's channel ICST : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_FH_YLAQjG4ZiKisRSK5iA/playlists

(Actual Professor of Astronomy) Rob Parks: https://www.youtube.com/c/RobParks762
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Jeranism Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jeranism/videos

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Austin Witsit: https://www.youtube.com/c/WitsitGetsIt/videos

Shane St. Pierre: https://rokfin.com/ShaneStPierre & https://odysee.com/@stpierrs:f

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Mr. Tribune: https://www.youtube.com/@troublingtribune

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Flat Man X: https://www.youtube.com/@FLATMANX84

Taboo Conspiracy: https://www.youtube.com/@tabooconspiracy

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Water World: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYOVGhvr_p1rHGM0mSLHS7g
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Boq Precision: https://www.youtube.com/@B.Precision
Quantum of Conscience: https://www.youtube.com/@quantumofconscience6538
Vat City: https://www.youtube.com/@vatcity
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