Underground Science #340 - Bighorn Mountains

11 months ago

Sorry music was a bit loud, derp.

"2 Hours Native American Flute Music, Music for Astral Projection, Meditation, No Copyright Music tmp" from WorldWide Tube: https://youtu.be/t7FuuqGB4us

"Laramide exhumation of the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming: An apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology study" by Crowley et al. (2002): https://www.geo.arizona.edu/~reiners/Crowleyetal2002.pdf

"In£uence of crystal size on apatite (U^Th)/He thermochronology: an example from the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming" by Reiners and Farley (2001): https://www.geo.arizona.edu/~reiners/ReinersandFarley2001.pdf

Magnetic Anomaly map: https://portal.gplates.org/cesium/?view=EMAG2_V2

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