Unfinished Business

10 months ago

"Damn you, Worf! You'd let me go without saying another word, wouldn't you?"
"What needs to be said?"
"Nothing. Everything. We're about to go our separate ways again."


Song: Unfinished Business
Artist: Ron Jones
Album: Star Trek TNG Season Two OST
Quote: Worf and K'Ehleyr/Star Trek Season 2/The Emissary

You may be wondering why I chose to put the theme song to a Klingon sex scene on the Mix. Well, of course, it's Ron Jones, so there's that. But beyond that I've always found The Emissary to be one of the strongest episodes from Season 2 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, mainly because of the strength of actress Suzie Plakson who plays Worf's love interest, K'Ehleyr. Their chemistry together is, shall we say, explosive, and I think the song Unfinished Business captures that relationship perfectly. The "events" of that night would lead to the birth of Worf's son Alexander, who plays a significant role throughout the rest of the series. Well, I could babble on about Star Trek until the end of Time but let's just leave it there for now.

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