The France and the hatred - 230

1 year ago

Is it because the association is the law of the life and of the love than islam did of it a abomination by excellence (Koran 4.48), thus making the muslims unhappy, and, through them, those around them ? In refusing that God be communion of persons, Trinity, Love, islam also necessarily refuses the association in the human life, the commandment of Christ, of liking us each other as He liked us (Jn 13:34). But instead, islam generates the hatred between moslems and non-moslems (Quran 60.4 ; 9.30 etc.). The France is relearning it now, but as long as it does not ask forgiveness to Christ for its apostasy, it will continue to make its own misfortune by serving the idol of fraternity without God. Who can come indeed after the Christ, if not the Antichrist ?

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