Happy Galactic New Year! The Lion's Gate Portal is Open! 8/8. Set Your Intentions & Burst Through the Portal!

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Today is a significant day! 8 is the number of prosperity & abundance. Set your intentions and burst through the energetic portal, roaring like a lion, declaring your victory!

What is the Lion's Gate? https://www.hindustantimes.com/astrology/horoscope/lions-gate-portal-on-august-8-2023-heres-all-you-need-to-know-101659937923790.html

The best thing to bring into your life right now is anything that makes you happy. Leo rules the heart, which means that you have to connect to an endeavor or philosophy that fills you up with joy and love. If it doesn’t speak to you on an emotional and passionate level, then it’s not worth pursuing: https://stylecaster.com/lists/lions-gate-portal/what-to-manifest-on-8-8/

On this date in history: https://www.britannica.com/on-this-day/August-8#:~:text=This%20Day%20in%20History%3A%20August%208&text=Faced%20with%20the%20near%2Dcertain,Gerald%20Ford%20the%20following%20day.

Nixon took us off the gold standard 8/8/74

How to win a spiritual battle: https://rumble.com/v35opxw-learn-how-to-fight-during-spiritual-warfare-mother-price-col.-mccalister-dr.html

Gematria value of August 8, according to the Gematria Calculator: Manifestation of God.

"Nehemiah Strong," a book by John Dyslin: https://johndyslin.com/the-book-nehemiah-strong/

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