Fake witness suborned perjury Linda Kasabian dies??

1 year ago

The CIA Mockingbird Media is way off its game. Very sloppy, incomplete, and tardy.

In the auditing business I was taught that financial information MUST be: accurate, timely and relevant.

In other words, the Mainstream Media is Poppycock, unreliable and irrelevant.

1) there never was any Cult
2) no Manson existed (Charlie Miles Maddox)
3) no Manson Family existed
4) Linda Kasabian, age 19, recently joined Susan Atkins less than two weeks before the murders
5) Linda Kasabian had a baby daughter and was pregnant with another
6) Susan Atkins, age 21, has a nine-month baby boy
7) NATO Gladio soldiers killed Sharon Tate and Leno LaBianca.
8) Linda Kasabian's husband Robert fled to Buenos Aires and was a CIA operative


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