150,000 hours gamed: GoodNewsJim with #1 world Dr. Mundo Mastery, fun times!

Streamed on:

Still it set up mode, no flying jump kicking and awesome play lists and original rock star songs... JUST YOU WAIT! But watch us now.

Banned on Twitch for standing for peaceful protestors Hong Kong and Women's Rights.

#1 Senna NA mastery & made the first 3 pro builds.

Also #1 world Starcraft all races, Warcraft3 all races, Diablo2 HC 3 characters, C&C3, SC2 2v2. Proof: https://crystalfighter.com/a.html

Many say the GOAT. And I know the Spirit of Jesus is real. Love's the way. Be good and loving to all. Proof of God: www.goodnewsjim.com

Gaming since age 3, coding since age 4, designing since age 6.

Author of "I didn't Start the Baron": https://rumble.com/v34ufhw-final-version-of-i-didnt-start-the-baron.html?mref=sbycb&mc=11sm2

Exposer of Rigged Loser Queue & RIOT's desperate attempt to cover it up despite owning a patent: www.crystalfighter.com/x.html

Proof of Senna pro builds:
1) Senna Pro build: A guy discovered that I posted the Pro undying grasp mallet build here: old.reddit .com/r/sennamains/comments/e8otyl/grasp_of_the_undyingultimate_hunter_senna_any/fsp814u/

2) Senna Pro build: I shifted the entire meta to rageblade/crack kiten with this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfM6SEd99w4 Pros literally were using everything else til this date of my youtube with 1000+ views, and then shifted. You can do some searching online for dates and see this is correct:





All these before my video did not do rage blade/krack kitten slayer.

3) First user to make Locket of Iron Solari a Senna item months before nerf.

4) Did Shurelia Fiddlesticks first. The dumb pro teams ran it even after it was nerfed showing their coaches/managers don't know how to read patch notes.

5) Invented Kathus Spelltheif top when it was a thing

6) Argued vs Hive mind that HOB trist was better than PTA and you never win vs hivemind even when you're right.

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