Hell Hath No Hurry 30k Race Recap 3rd Overall 3:06:37:16

1 year ago

Been wanting to do this race for a few years and schedule didn't allow me, this year finally got to. Felt alright first few miles. Then body said no. Forced myself to finish race. Couple months ago I'd been able to destroy the course. Forward to today fighting to just finish. Granted we started at 2pm and it was 80° plus with bad humidity. Just struggled bad once again. Wasnt that hard of course, was only 18 miles which used to be training run. Had to walk hills to keep from redlining. Walked/jogged way more then normally should have. Soon as we started the flood gates of sweat started coming off body.
We ran 3 loops of 6 miles. First two laps were one direction. 3rd loop was in opposite direction which they called it a victory lap. It was a pain cause not only were you having to pass people who were I front of you. But people coming at you. Dropped to 3rd about 1.5 miles left. I was done. No desire to run.
I may have been able to try little harder but chances are it put me in Complete danger zone. Gotta figure this thing out quickly. My body just is basically saying I'm done. My strengths have become weaknesses. Wasnt much to see during race kind of bland scenery. I can at least cross this race off list as one wanted to do.

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