Giant Octopus Houdini Squeezes His Way Out Through A Tiny Hole

7 years ago

This is the incredible moment when an octopus makes a brazen escape from a fishing boat in Alaska. Watch as the creature manages to fit its eight tentacles through a crack, slithering down a tiny hole, breaking out of captivity, and quickly disappearing into the sea.

The footage was filmed on July 1, 2010, in Chiswell Islands, Alaska featuring a smart Houdini octopus escaping from a fishing boat, using its tentacles to fit through a tiny hole. This octopus is the ultimate escape artist, capable of sneaking off a boat through an unbelievably small opening.

While on a fishing charter, these men brought up a Giant Pacific Octopus holding on to the bait while fishing with large circle hooks. They pulled the octopus on board, and let him find his way off.

It is impressive how, instead of crawling over the gunnel the octopus decided to slip through the scupper, which is shielded on the outside, and about a two-inch gap. The octopus was probably 6 feet or more from arm to arm. Incredibly, they tend to squeeze through anything more massive than their beak, which is the only 'bone' in their body.

One of the men makes a cheeky comment and says that watching the huge octopus find its way through a tiny hole is like getting his wife in her wedding dress.

The tenacious tentacle creature is working his way through a tiny hole, planning his sweat escape. Watch as the octopus changes color and turns white. He is calculating the odds of him fitting into the hole and succeeds! Moments later, the octopus works his way through and somehow managed to squeeze its body out. Amazing!

Filmmaker caught the entire thing on camera and left onlookers in awe! We would have expected octopuses to be very flexible, but this is more like fitting a camel through the eye of a needle.

The octopus is a soft-bodied, eight-limbed mollusk of the order Octopoda. Around 300 species are recognized, and the order is grouped within the class Cephalopoda with squids, cuttlefish, and nautiloids.

Octopuses have three hearts and are considered to be the most intelligent of all invertebrates, and we can see that by the master plan of this octopus. The environment they live in and the lifestyle they have made them capable of complex and flexible behavior.

They are fast learners, and they learn by watching other octopuses how they act, live and behave. They have a lot of set of techniques so they can get out from different situations and they can solve problems.

There are more than 300 species of octopuses and all of them venomous. They have four pairs of arms, and they are speedy swimmers. What's more, their delicate bodies, with no inside or outer skeleton, can crush into unimaginably little breaks and cleft where predators can't pursue.

Utilizing a system of shade cells and particular muscles in its skin, the regular octopus can promptly coordinate the hues, designs, and even surfaces of its environment.

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