The Wolf of Silence

1 year ago

A bit more angel technical with the Substack hardcopy of dreams written:

Madking's Alchemical Delta: How to Ascend the Tree of Life to Reach Your Holy Guardian Angel:
$2.99 Author Profits go to election integrity and animal rescue. Free with Kindle Unlimited.
Now in paperback for quite a bit more; but actually a magic number next to the minimum price for extended distribution of a full color paperback that takes your through the alchemical tarot on your ascent of the Tree of Life. And again, all author proceeds go to bettering the world.
Same with Helluva Guy
Hardback is a lot; but its premium everything. But the info itself is available cheap if you do not want shiny things.

The illustrated novel featuring the panels used the Madking's Alchemical Deck and more: Helluva Guy: The Halls of Amenti. Follow Jason on the alchemical journey to transform his soul and unite with his Holy Guardian Angel; or fail and be left to the demons of the outer realms to dissipate into the void.






Each arrow is an hour of meditation. If you do them you'll dream like I do, It's a snapshot of heaven. You do not have to stop anything that you are doing to focus your mind. They are labeled in phases so you can go back to get a fuller picture. But you do not need to, to get a tether to another plane of gamma consciousness and lucid dream.

Phase Twenty Eight
→If you are male you merge with OV who is the angel of accepting dharma to control karma. If you are female you meditate on this while he flies atop a Jacinth Step
→You fly atop the Jacinth step and find it beset with three main colors and angels
→Two thirds of the step are purple going from the right of the jacinth step and two angels stand upon this glowing purple, evenly parsed. The furthest left angel who looks like a young Kim Catrell is named R-TOmLN. She tells you all time will serve you if you have discipline.
→In the center of the platform on the purple side is a Korean Angel with short hair named RB-KTUNg. She tells you all reality will serve you if you have a still center.
→To your right the step glows ultra-violet black. There is a male angel here who looks Korean. His name is RBA-DUA. He tells you that all time and space are joined; and the wise see the divine order.
→You ascend to the yellow topaz step. It is very high up so you have to fly. Upon this step is an angel with brown skin and white hair. She is the octave of RUI and unites the multiplicity of being to the singular foundation within. This is Om-IYUNMR
→You ascend to an aquamarine beryl step with an array of different, glowing colors atop, with angels in each colored quadrant. To your left is S-NRUMO on a light purple fourth of the step. She tells you to confront every challenge with laughter.
→Next to her is a dark blue glowing fourth of the step. Upon this step is ShS-KTYL. He is a bizarre cryptid angel like something from Where the Wild Things Are. He tells you the dice are loaded in your favor. You will have success, even if the appearance of it looks otherwise.
→The left half of the step is glowing red and there are two angels therein. The one closest to KTYL is ShTh-KTAL; he looks like a chipmunk man in a boater hat. He tells you every moment you should seek how you can transform yourself, from what you learn, to get closer to God.
→The angel next to him is ATh-FEL. She is dark black and says the beginning of each name has an Enochian prefix that goes with the order of time.
→You ascend to a mystic topaz step too far to reach without flying. On the top are four angels. On the right hand fourth there is a light blue glowing light and the angel B-FQZC. She looks like Gal Gadot crossed with a young Rachael Gayheart. She tells you that you must order time.
→On her left is a glowing white fourth and upon this fourth is a childlike, redhead female who says she is over real caring and the Six of Hearts. She says to organize archetypes with that as a foundation.

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