Todd Coconato Radio Show I Time For A Strategic Shift

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Thank you for standing with TCM in this very critical hour for our nation and the Body of Christ. We are in a season of strategic mobilization. The battle is intense…yet we feel the favor and anointing of the Holy Spirit in a mighty way!

God has been speaking to my heart in recent weeks very clearly. I believe The Holy Spirit has prompted us to be more focused than ever before in spending our time and energy on doing exactly what God has given us in the overall vision of this ministry. In other words,…we are busier than ever!

This strategic shift means only aligning with others of like mind (coming out from among the others), teaching and equipping the Saints through our 5 weekly TV/radio broadcasts, having strategic meetings to influence culture, helping those in need, and always keeping our evangelistic outreach at the very top of our priority list. This also means disconnecting from some other previous commitments, travel, and conferences to do so.

We know that the only way to win in this major battle we are in is if we truly change the hearts and minds of the folks by influencing as many people as possible and getting them saved, set free, healed, and delivered!

As a result, we will be streamlining our efforts and focusing our resources on what is most effective and needed.

There are three main areas of focus.

1. TV/Radio/Podcasts: Our media ministry has reached 42M people so far in 2023 on all channels combined. We have seen over 3200 verified souls come to know Jesus during this time. This has already exceeded last year’s numbers. We also help counsel and disciple many from around the nation and world each day.

2. Remnant Revival Center: The Remnant Revival Center (RRC) in Nashville is in full swing and is our prototype worship facility where we hold weekly meetings and gatherings. I can’t even begin to share all the testimony of what has already happened there. It is a refuge and house of worship where many are getting touched each week…and its only just begun! Please come and visit sometime soon on a Friday night to see for yourself!

3. Evangelistic Outreach: We believe now more than ever we must impact the community and influence those in government and other positions of power. Utilizing the trifecta of Religious Liberty Coalition, Remnant.News, the media ministry, the RRC, our online channels, and holding in-person meetings with officials, we can effectively do this in a way that initiates true change. We are striving more than ever to win souls daily for the Kingdom and stand up for Biblical morals and values in our culture!

We are a front-line ministry in a David vs. Goliath battle. We have significant warfare, pressure, and challenges from many angles. People have asked for pastors to take a stand…and we have answered that call!

Thank you to our amazing partners. We could not be doing all of these things without your help. We treasure you and your obedience.
Also, if you are not currently a ministry partner, please consider becoming one with this ministry. There are only a handful of ministries in this country that are taking this type of bold stand. This is good ground and we are a ministry of action. Everything you donate goes directly to these efforts. We truly need your help, support, and prayers more than ever!

May God’s favor and blessings be upon you. Together, we make a huge difference! We must occupy until He comes! We are on the winning team! This is the time to stand more than ever before!

To partner, please go to
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Pastor Todd Coconato

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