Week One of 1 Month Journal: Reflect on when you felt fulfilled & purposeful in life

10 months ago

Episode 8 (Recorded on 5/26/2023) #journaling #Christianity #trustGod

Kevin and Doug go through the first week of the One Month Buffalo Journal (free journal link below) This week’s topic is about reflecting on a time when you felt truly fulfilled and purposeful in life

Doug recalls times he has made a difference in other peoples' lives at work, Orphan World Relief, and mission trips.

Kevin talks about Rick Warren's example of what the purpose of retirement is supposed to be

Kevin recalls a time before he was hired at Disney thinking that his shot at success was over. He recounts an activity he did to remember all his past accomplishments and skills acquirement in order to break out of this depression.

Doug says that the best vacation is the past - taking a look at the highlights and reminders of what you're really good at. Looking back helps to put blinders on in order to stay focused on the right path.

To get your FREE copy of the “One Month Buffalo Journal” where you can exercise your personal writing skills and explore what God’s purpose is for your life go to www.idratherbeabuffalo.com/freejournal

Hard copy available for sale at Amazon


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