Interview of YOUSSEF HINDI "To the foundations of American hegemony"- Part1 (08/07/23 -English Subs)

1 year ago

The entire interview (about 68mn) is here:

Note of the Channel "ODC TV":
In this interview with Youssef Hindi, the author of the recent essay "The war of the United States against Europe and the future of the State", methodically and conceptually dissects the theoretical and historical foundations of contemporary American domination, as well as the causes of its future decline.
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Who's Youssef HINDI?
Youssef Hindi, born February 11, 1985 in Morocco, is a French essayist.

Author of several books, he is best known for his work on the messianic origins of Zionism and the strategy of the Clash of Civilizations.

Youssef Hindi is a writer, independent researcher and historian of messianic eschatology.

Born in Morocco, he immigrated to France at a very young age, following a path that led him to develop a reflection on the necessary reconciliation of the North and South of the Mediterranean.

His research work is mainly focused on the study of the origins of modern ideologies, their evolution and their influence on contemporary politics and geopolitics.

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