Why You Should Never Go Down On Whamen - MGTOW

11 months ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rusty and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I found an article called: "HPV Ignites Unexpected Cancer Surge In Middle-Aged Adults" and thought it might be an interesting thing for you to cover on your channel. This is something not talked enough about by the PUA side of the manosphere. With all the promiscuous sex, there's more than just gonorrhea to worry about. I'm actually kind of grossed out by the idea of intercourse in general at this age because I don't know what kind of nasty germs I might be acquiring from a stranger." Well Rusty thanks for the donation and topic. The poster boy for this is Michael Douglas and he got throat cancer from going down on too many starlets in the 1980s. The article says that the United States is facing 55k cases of hpv related cancers per year in middle-aged men and it's surging. Mostly in guys over 45 and that means that women 25 to 30 years ago were playing fast and loose with their caboose. While the body fights off HPV for most guys 1 in 10 still have it after a couple of years after getting it. In all honesty most people have either had it or will get it. So the best way to make sure it doesn't effect you at this point if you're older is to strengthen your immune system. These sorts of diseases have always been with us but in the past people practiced way less promiscuous sex. Your chances of getting mouth or throat cancer are 2.5 times greater if you've had a lot of partners. I guess the good news is a generation of incels that are 20 to 25 today will be safe from this illness but Women and especially the Chads will not be. Many Chads will end up looking like Val Kilmer with a ascot around their neck to hide that they let dozens of women on their face for a wild ride. It's you're own fault for being a human saddle for snatch. The article also says that the cancer is growing fast in men over 65. But it's not the only STD growing in that age category. Even senior boomers are more sexually active than ever. The rate is growing at an alarming 3% a year mostly for men over 65. There is now talk that with such a high growth rate of 3% compounded per year it's going to be the most common cancer in that age group in coming decades. I hope I don't become a statistic after going down on a partner that couldn't count how many men had been in her cooch and that had HPV lasered from her cooch. It's too late now and hopefully I don't become a statistic. At this point the best thing most guys can do is lose weight and reduce the total number of cels in your body which will help reduce your cancer rate. Also eat an anti inflammatory diet and reduce your stress which helps immune function.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

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