The Fringe Minority Report #187 National Citizens Inquiry Red Deer

1 year ago

The National Citizens Inquiry testimony of Dianne Molstad, a retired teacher with the Edmonton school board.
Due to her long-term problems with high blood pressure, she chose to not get the covid vaccine. Her story began when she went in for a yearly health exam with the doctor she had seen for over 30 years. What happened next shocked her. The doctor said if she did not get the covid vaccine, she would not be allowed back in her clinic. Dianne couldn't do or say anything and went home. Upon arrival, she got on the internet and began a 4 day search for a new physician. In Alberta, doctors and new patients must do a meet and greet before they're even accepted as a patient. It took a few rounds, but eventually, she found a great doctor and got the care that she needed.
Dianne regrets not filing a complaint to Alberta Health about her doctors refusal to treat her. However, she feels grateful to the National Citizens Inquiry for letting her share her story.

The covid restrictions and mandates hurt many Canadians. Please listen to their stories.

All original material was collected from the National Citizens Inquiry site.

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