Tucker Carlson Softball Interview with Free Spirit Ice Cube Part 4 - Real Free News Extra

11 months ago

Tuck admits he doesn't listen to blact iced Cupcakes songs and then the fake gangsta makes a startling admission about wrappers...

Iced Cupcake calls himself a FREE Spirit. No. You are a joke that got lucky singing songs about wack bitches, robbing liquor stores, and shooting up the hood...

What Iced Cupcake means is that singing songs about bitches, robbing, and shooting, and then selling that garbage to white kids has made the little fake gangssta rich and famous but the wannabe tough guy has to act like a victim and cry about all the oppression that the bad actor has to face. What a JOKE!


#tuckercarlson #icecube #interview #icecuckoo #cuckoo #puffpiece #pattycake #freespirit #free #spirit #joke #ajoke #nwa #compton #straightouttacompton #comotonca #wannabe #gangsta #wannabegangsta #wannabetoughguy #badactor #fake #fakegangsta #la #laca #gangstatalk

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