A War on Drugs to Save the People of America

1 year ago

In the last three years, over 350,000 Americans have died from drug overdoses. That is more deaths than our combat fatalities from World War I, the Korean War and the Vietnam War combined. At the same time, drug usage has become "normalized," as cradle-to-grave drug-taking has now ensnared tens of millions of our citizens. Our elected officials do next to nothing. States and cities act to decriminalize or legalize drugs, even though everywhere this has been done it has resulted in expanded drug usage and more deaths.

Our largest banks and financial institutions have been caught time and again in laundering billions of dollars of drug money and financing drug trafficking. All they have received is a slap on the wrist. No one has gone to jail.

Robert Ingraham's new book "Unconditional Surrender: Winning the War on Drugs in the 21st Century" calls for a war against the drug producers, traffickers and financiers. Not a "campaign" against drugs, but total war against those who are killing our fellow citizens. https://www.larouchepac.com/new_book_calls_for_annihilation_war_on_drug_cartels

With LaRouchePAC's Kesha Rogers and Tony Papert.

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