07-08-23 Matt MQ captures another mainstream media station discussing ALIENS being REAL!

1 year ago

As the title exlaims, yes! You heard correctly! Strangely ever since my interview on Australian radio last week, pandoras box has truly opened with the younger generations of up and coming media personalities discussing things like the lions gate portal that really got me rubbing my ears to make sure I was hearing straight! I got my phone, and recorded what I could of the on air discussions that was across Sydney radio during drive time on Monday 7th August 2023 on a commercial radio station owned by ARN network (Australian Radio Network) called CADA 96.1. An urban music station that services Sydney/Blue Mountains and surrounding areas. Population reach - 6 million. Their estimated audience would be a little shy of 200k, but, that's still awesome progress to which even a few short weeks ago, this content would have NEVER made it onto commercial radio being discussed seriously. Truly amazing shifts of the timelines are taking place for the better it seems. It's down to us to raise our vibration and set intentions to the highest timeline we can possibly get! The results may surprise you...!

(of course any commentary by Matt MQ is just him having a few laughs. Not to be taken too seriously. Haven't we figured out that we shouldn't take anything too seriously? This is why the truth movement is often a minefield of "ego booms". Not good booms!

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