Game Gumshoes Presents: Triplica by Fun Q Games

1 year ago

MFG: Fun Q Games
#of Players: 1 -6
Age Range: 7 to Adult

Overall Construction: Normally I could go on and on about the construction but this is a fairly strait forward card game. the cards are easy to shuffle and not slick at all. The rulebook is a nice glossy tri-fold booklet. The major poits on it's construction go to it's box. It is very compact and fairly sturdy.It can take a fall and a couple of kicks with no signs of damage.

Gameplay: You have 3 different sets of rules to choose from so I'll cover the basic ones.
So picture tic-tac-toe with 6 possible random shapes and endless possibilities. You start out with 1 Goal Card, consider it the same as if you would your X's or O's but there are 6 shapes and you don't pick which one. Then you also get 3 Play Cards, you use them to make your 3 in a row. There is no up side to the cards so you can place them in any direction, but be careful because anyone can play a goal card once you have put down your Play Card. All it takes is lining up 3 in a row in a straight line or diagonal line.

Also the amount of opportunities goes up if you have more than 2 players. I just love when you have a game where you can think you're doing something clever and cost yourself the game. We really enjoyed playing this with people of all ages at International Tabletop Gameday.

Yes/No Recommend: Yes I would definitely recommend it. In fact I would go as far as to say I would even stretch the limits of the age range that is on the box to even smaller kids. Because of this games similarities to Tic-Tac-Toe if a smaller child (5ish) recognizes shapes & colors they should do well. Just remember it's only a game and have fun with it. In one of the games I played with a smaller child I started acting like I wasn't sure which direction I was going to lay the card down and they started giggling.

Where To Get It: First and foremost, check your local game/hobby shop to see if they have it. If they don't have it they should be willing to order it in for you. If they won't find a new store.

Secondly Fun Q's website

Thanks for reading this and Happy Gaming.

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