Episode 62: Pondering the Image of God with Daniel Wilson

1 year ago

What does it mean to be created in the Image of God? Genesis tells us that humans are made in God’s image, but Christians hold different views about what this means. In this episode, Todd and Paul explore the Image of God with Dr. Daniel Wilson, Pastor and Professor of Bible and Church History at Brookes Bible College in St. Louis, MO.

Our Guest:
Dr. Daniel Wilson is Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Granite City, IL, and Professor of Bible and Church History at Brookes Bible College in St. Louis, MO. His area of specialty is the patristics.

Grace Bible Church https://www.gbcgranite.org/
Brookes Bible College https://www.brookes.edu/page/daniel-wilson

Resources Mentioned in the Podcast

John Kilner. Dignity and Destiny: Humanity in the Image of God

John Sailhamer The Expositor's Bible Commentary: Genesis-Leviticus (Expositor's Bible Commentary)

Athanasius of Alexandria:

Irenaeus of Lyons:
Five Books of St. Irenaeus of Lyons

Gateway Creation Conference

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