
10 months ago

The video of Persis Solo vs Persib Bandung Line Up Ki is a video that discusses the starting lineups of the two teams for their match in the Liga 1 Indonesia on 8 August 2023. The video also provides analysis of the lineups and predictions for the match.

The starting lineup for Persis Solo is as follows:

* Goalkeeper: M. Riyandi
* Defenders: Abduh Lestaluhu, Fabiano Beltrame, Aaron Evans, Gavin Kwan Adsit
* Midfielders: Taufiq Febriyanto, Frendi Saputra, Rivaldi Bawuo, Hamsa Lestaluhu
* Forwards: Alexis Messidoro, Sergio van Dijk

The starting lineup for Persib Bandung is as follows:

* Goalkeeper: Teja Paku Alam
* Defenders: Henhen Herdiana, Victor Igbonefo, Achmad Jufriyanto, Zalnando
* Midfielders: Dedi Kusnandar, Abdul Aziz, Beckham Putra Nugraha, Febri Hariyadi
* Forwards: David da Silva, Bruno Cantanhede

The video analysis of the lineups is as follows:

* Persis Solo is likely to play a defensive style of football, with Abduh Lestaluhu and Fabiano Beltrame anchoring the defence. Gavin Kwan Adsit will be tasked with providing width on the left flank, while Rivaldi Bawuo will look to create chances for Alexis Messidoro and Sergio van Dijk up front.
* Persib Bandung is likely to play a more attacking style of football, with David da Silva and Bruno Cantanhede leading the line. Febri Hariyadi and Beckham Putra Nugraha will provide width on the flanks, while Dedi Kusnandar and Abdul Aziz will control the midfield.

The predictions for the match are as follows:

* Most experts are predicting a win for Persib Bandung. They have a more balanced team and are likely to score more goals than Persis Solo.
* However, Persis Solo is a very good defensive team and they could surprise Persib Bandung with a draw or even a win.

The video also includes interviews with the coaches of both teams, Sergio Alexandre (Persis Solo) and Robert Rene Alberts (Persib Bandung). They both give their thoughts on the match and the lineups.

The video concludes with a prediction for the match winner. The majority of experts believe that Persib Bandung will win, but there is a chance that Persis Solo could spring a surprise. The match is sure to be an exciting one and it is difficult to predict who will win.

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