All Tricks, No Treats #23 Fight Or Flight

11 months ago

Ever rummaged through a pile of clothes at Hollister only to end up with a men's WWE shirt? Or been caught off-guard by the clear bag policy at a concert? Well, we can now say we've been there, done that! Tune in to hear about our hilarious shopping mishap and fun-filled night at the Blink 182 concert. And guess what? We've also picked up Pig Latin to keep our conversations kid-proof.

But we're not all about fun and games - we like to delve into the nitty-gritty of life as well, especially relationships. Remember that poll on how people handle fights with their partners? We've got the results and some crazy fight stories that'll make your jaw drop. We also share a thing or two about the complexities of our own relationships, and the frequency of fights in a typical couple's life. Plus, we also get into the importance of conflict resolution (think eye contact, listening, and compromises), which we think is crucial for a peaceful coexistence.

Finally, we're rolling out the red carpet for some celebrity gossip, as we share the bizarre encounters of two fans who presented Pink with a wheel of cheese and a bag of their parents' ashes. We also recommend the emotionally intense Hulu show 'The Bear,' and share our thoughts on Ryan Seacrest hosting Wheel of Fortune. As we wrap up, we invite you to spill the beans about your secrets, confessions, advice, and stories for our upcoming 'Skeletons in the Closet' episode. We've got you covered, and we promise it'll be a rollercoaster ride!

Need advice!? Voicemail or text! - (562) 457-0613 It's anonymous!

00:00:13 Relationship Advice and Recent Events
00:08:45 Navigating Relationship Fights and Disagreements
00:21:26 Communication and Resolving Conflict in Relationships
00:32:48 Celebrity Gossip and TV Show Recommendations
00:42:14 Confessions and Advice

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