8-7-2023 Geoengineering weather event captured removing all doubts on what “they” can do

10 months ago

Thunderstorms were brewing around me yesterday evening so I decided to go looking at the weather maps and found something very strange. The more I investigated the stranger it got. Then I found the strangest thing of all near the end, the source of one stations location and the effects it was having in the surrounding areas.

Sorry for the longish non audio video. I’m posting this raw video as is showing my discoveries with no edits. I only paused a few times making the video to get more weather views in the video. At times I’m getting lost in study looking at a map. I apologize if annoying.

If you or someone you know has any doubts about “their” ability to control the weather, this video will remove any of them doubts once and for all. No way in hell is any of this natural. It would be impossible beyond anyone’s doubts that nature wasn’t doing any of this. It is also not a glitch and I prove that in the video. This will shock you if you’re clueless on their abilities to control the weather. I was shocked and I know what “they” can do.

FYI I use my desktop clock to show real time and as a pointer at times. Again I’m trying to figure out what I’m witnessing and I haven’t discovered how grand this is till near the end of the video.

Stay safe out there, when man manipulates the weather they’re not doing it for your own good. They create the most violent storms in doing so, all by design. What did LBJ say?... “He who controls the weather controls the world

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