DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK "Alexander Retrov Sovereign Citizen BS"

10 months ago

Back in 2011, Alexander Retrov (who also goes by the name of Trevor Alexander, Trevor Hill and Pharaoh Akhenaten) made a worldwide prediction that on September 26th, 2011 a magnitude 12 earthquake would decimate the earth. He claimed this was due to a comet called ELENIN aligning with other celestial bodies which in turn would cause a gravitational shockwave on earth. Retrov's predictions were of course, complete and utter bullshit.

However, this doesn't seem to have deterred Retrov who is back on the speaking circuit and who is now spruiking "sovereign citizen" talking points to gullible A1 supporters.

One such supporter named "Anton Visser" is the guy who uploaded the now infamous false "white hats lockdown" prediction that Bosi gave at the Taree Freedom Rally in December 2021.

Visser had this to say about Bosi --

"Riccardo Bosi will probably go down in history as one of Australia’s greatest heroes. But even more important than this one man, is the message and policies of Australia One. I urge you to log into the web site, sign up to receive links to upcoming videos and go through his past videos. Feel inspired, sign up and become a member. The A1 party will not have the massive advertising budget as other political parties, so if you want a better future for you and Australia. It is up to you, to share and promote the A1 policies. Take some time to read some of the amazing comments, Riccardo is becoming very much respected for what he has to say, not only in Australia but around the world. If you like his message, please like, leave a comment and share."

Visser has other videos on his YouTube channel (link below), one of which is Retrov speaking at the Hastings People's Council in Hervey Bay, QLD.

This video documents Retrov's failed 2011 predictions and cautions A1 supporters in listening to, or taking advice from such a well-documented fraud. Anyone listening to this man needs to know his backstory and should consider Retrov's credentials before moving forward with the so-called information being given out.

The same goes for any so-called "truther" out there who wants your time and attention. Where possible, VET these individuals and see what they've had to say in the past. Time is the great revealer and sunlight is the best disinfectant.


➀ Anton Visser YouTube Channel

➁ Hastings Peoples Council Meeting With Guest Speaker Alex

➂ EleninNubiru FAIL Trevor Hill aka Trevor Alexander aka Alex Retrov aka Pharaoh Akhenaten

➃ 2012 The Truth You're Not Being Told by Alexander Retrov

➄ Alexander Retrov – The Ultimate Scaremonger?



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