DNA is in the Jabs Dr. Chris Shoemaker MD Canada July 25 2023

1 year ago

The presence of DNA in Covid “vaccines” raises serious concerns about potential long-term health impacts, as it can influence the cell’s nucleus for years, turning our bodies into mRNA and spike protein factories.

Toronto-based Dr. Chris Shoemaker, a leading voice warning against the potential dangers of COVID-19 genetic gene therapy injections, sat down with RAIR Foundation USA to debunk previous claims about these vaccines. Dr. Shoemaker highlighted that the injections contain not only mRNA but also a significant amount of DNA – a revelation that contradicts earlier assurances.

“We initially believed that these shots contained something called RNA, a form of genetic material,” said Dr. Shoemaker. “However, RNA is not DNA. They are different parts of a process. DNA is the blueprint of life, found in the nucleus of cells, while RNA, specifically mRNA, carries the instructions from the DNA and is involved in protein synthesis in the cytoplasm of the cell.”

According to Dr. Shoemaker, RAIR’s metaphor of a cell being an egg, where the nucleus (yolk) houses the DNA with the total instruction set for all your processes and repairs, and the cytoplasm (egg white) is the site of protein synthesis by RNA, which takes its instructions from the DNA is fairly accurate. However, this natural process can be hijacked by introducing external genetic materials like DNA or RNA.

Initially, vaccine developers assured the public that the material in the vaccine would not enter the cell’s nucleus. This was a key selling point as it assuaged fears about possible genetic alterations as a consequence of the Covid shots. However, a recent independent analysis conducted by Kevin McKernan, a respected research scientist, discovered that the vaccines contained approximately one-third DNA.

Dr. Shoemaker states, “This DNA originates from the original research carried out in Wuhan, which sent the DNA genomes to America. The presence of this DNA in the vaccines indicates a potential failure in the purification process during manufacturing. However, the ratio of DNA to RNA might also be deliberate. The implications of this DNA, human-engineered and scientifically created, on our health are far-reaching and concerning.”

Dr. Shoemaker further explains that the DNA is found inside a plasmid, a different delivery mechanism than the lipid nanoparticles used to deliver the mRNA. This process implies deliberate intent rather than a sloppy manufacturing process.

“What makes the DNA presence even more alarming is that it elongates the whole process,” Dr. Shoemaker cautioned. “While the effects of mRNA might be restricted to 8-12 months, the DNA can potentially influence the cell’s nucleus for years, effectively turning our bodies into factories for mRNA and, consequently, spike proteins. This could explain why we are witnessing an increase in chronic inflammatory conditions, seizures, neurological consequences, and other health issues post-vaccination.”

The specific effects of the DNA on the cell nucleus remain largely unknown. Still, it’s clear that the presence of DNA could lead to long-lasting health impacts. There’s a growing list of health problems, including an increase in late-onset Type 1 diabetes among vaccine recipients. This further fuels the concern about spike protein damage on organs with ACE2 receptors like the pancreas.

When reflecting on the potential implications of these findings, Dr. Shoemaker concludes, “We’ve been subjected to a psychological and genetic operation that could be the most dangerous thing ever done to humanity. The presence of DNA in these vaccines, which can potentially interfere with our body’s genetic machinery for years, is deeply troubling. It underscores the urgent need for continued research and transparency on vaccine contents and their long-term impacts.”

This most recent discovery about the nature of the gene-therapy shots so many were coerced into taking means that a good hard look needs to be taken both at the regulatory bodies that approve and mandate new medications but also the entire genetic platform for vaccines and medicines overall due to the spectacular failure of them as either safe or effective.

Source: https://rumble.com/v32cnmq-chris-shoemaker-july-25-2023.html?mref=7ju1&mrefc=3

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