"A Rendezvous in Averoigne" by Clark Ashton Smith

10 months ago

A rather long and well crafted set-up, for what felt to me like a very abrupt and abbreviated conclusion. Hmmmm...

undine: a female spirit or nymph inhabiting water

trouvère: one of a school of poets who flourished from the 11th to the 14th centuries and who composed mostly narrative works (such as chansons de geste and fabliaux). Trouvère is the northern French form of the langue d'Oc word trobador, which is obvious the origin of the modern word troubadour.

billet-doux: love letter

pourboire: normally this would be a tip or gratuity, but in this context we must resort to the less common definition of a bribe.

purl: flow with a swirling motion and babbling sound

succor: assistance and support in times of hardship and distress

hoary: could be grayish white (as if with age), or could be extremely old. Probably both here in this context.

superannuate: obsolete or out-of-date

unctuous: excessively or ingratiatingly flattering; oily

moue: a pouting expression used to convey annoyance or distaste

cresset: an iron vessel or basket used for holding an illuminant (such as oil) and mounted as a torch or suspended as a lantern

vizard: a mask or disguise

hebetude: the state of being dull or lethargic

To follow along: http://www.eldritchdark.com/writings/short-stories/181/a-rendezvous-in-averoigne

The ghost feast is suggestive to me of the feast room in X2. Not part of the Averoigne section of the module, but one of the early rooms the players will likely encounter in the Chateau. The PCs can, however, meet Gerard de l'Automne in the Averoigne section of the module, as a random encounter.

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