Spiritual Warfare Study 4 (Spiritual Protection, Armor of God) - Jim Logan

1 year ago

Website: http://www.brministry.org | App: http://get.theapp.co/725c
God has given us everything we need to stand victorious against the enemy in our Spiritual battle, but most Christians are not putting on the Armor of God or believe that they are under attack. They get overwhelmed instead of standing against the enemy. Dr. Logan shares why and how we need to put on the Armor of God daily.
#jimlogan #spiritualwarfarestudy #armorofgod

00:00 - 01:25 - Strength in The Lord
01:30 - 03:10 - Wrestle Not Flesh and Blood
03:18 - 04:52 - You Put on the Armor
04:55 - 08:00 - Roaring Lion
08:01 - 09:40 - Belt of Truth
09:41 - 14:00 - Four Cords of Truth
14:01 - 16:00 - Breastplate of Righteousness
16:01 - 17:19 - Satan the Accuser
17:20 - 18:08 - Warren Wiersbe Quote
18:09 - 21:50 - Shoes of Peace
21:51 - 22:30 - Have vs Taking
22:31 - 24:20 - Shield of Faith
24:21 - 26:39 - Attacks of a Believer
26:40 - 30:33 - Helmet of Salvation

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