New Tax: Pay Per Mile you Drive

11 months ago

News For Today: New Tax: Pay Per Mile you Drive

The video discusses the possibility of a new tax on miles driven by individuals, in addition to the already high gas taxes in California. Many states have been reducing gas taxes in response to rising fuel prices, but now there are proposals to track and tax people based on their mileage. The tracking would be done through the OBD2 port found in cars since 1996, which insurance companies have already been using to monitor driving habits and offer lower rates for safer driving. The concern is that the government could use this technology to constantly track individuals' locations. The specific details of the per-mile tax rate and implementation have not been determined yet.

Another related topic mentioned is the carbon footprint tax, which has been discussed for years, particularly in California. This tax would be based on the carbon emissions produced by individuals throughout the year, including factors like home heating and the products they purchase. The video expresses concern that these taxes would harm the economy and burden people for basic activities like commuting, working, and heating their homes. It argues that the American people are already burdened with multiple taxes, such as income tax, state income tax, sales tax, property tax, and hidden taxes like fishing licenses and park fees.

The video concludes by inviting viewers to share their experiences and opinions on the optional OBD2 tracking devices used by insurance companies to lower rates. The host expresses wariness towards these devices and suggests that others may share similar concerns. The audience is encouraged to leave comments, and the video also promotes subscribing for more daily news updates.
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