Close Your Bank Account For Political Views?

1 year ago

News For Today: Close Your Bank Account For Political Views?

The United Kingdom is launching an investigation into banks that are blacklisting accounts based on political views. Nigel Farage, the former leader of the Brexit Party, claims that his UK bank account was closed without explanation, leading to allegations of being forced out by the UK establishment. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has pledged government action against banks that blacklist customers with controversial views, emphasizing the importance of free speech.

This incident is not isolated, as earlier this year, Toby Young, a right-wing commentator and journalist, complained that his Free Speech Union group had its PayPal account frozen. The UK government is expected to recommend stricter notice periods and more information disclosure if banks want to close an account. However, financial institutions are unlikely to openly admit that an account was closed due to someone's political views.

The issue of infringed rights extends beyond the UK. The United States, for instance, faces constant challenges to protect its constitutional rights. The speaker mentions examples such as the Second Amendment, freedom of expression, and protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. The speaker argues that the US government is finding ways to infringe on these rights and even manipulate policies that contradict them.

To combat potential government tyranny, the speaker suggests avoiding keeping all savings in banks, citing cryptocurrencies as an alternative. Additionally, the speaker references China's use of facial recognition technology for law enforcement purposes, warning that similar systems could be implemented in the US, leading to automated fines deducted from bank accounts.

The speaker concludes by asking viewers for their opinions on whether the government should be allowed to censor individuals based on their freedom of expression. They express concern about the direction society is heading, urging people to voice their thoughts on the closure of bank accounts belonging to political figures or government critics.

In summary, the UK is investigating banks that blacklist accounts based on political views, with Nigel Farage's case as an example. The US is also facing challenges to protect constitutional rights. The speaker advises caution in relying solely on banks and mentions China's use of facial recognition technology. They seek viewers' opinions on government censorship and the closure of accounts linked to political dissent.
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