KC Community Caregiver Calendar | July 2023 #counceling #innerhealing #caregivers

1 year ago

This is an interview with Trauma Healing Center founder Melissa Finger and her guest Wyatt Bury. You will learn about Wyatt Bury, a 15-year counselor and life coach serving Kansas City. Wyatt has a heart for people and is motivated to see them put their full dependence on Jesus.

Melissa and Wyatt spoke about some of the upcoming events in the next 2 months centered around different parts of the healing journey. The events and links are in the show notes.

Lastly, Melissa gave us some focus points for prayer for June and July for our community care givers and wrapped up the interview talking about the father heart of God.

Trauma Healing Center
Events Page: https://www.traumahealingcenterkc.com/calendar

Wyatt Bury

Upcoming Events

Building Bridges Ministry

- Family Table
Luncheon for Pastors and Ministry Leaders
Multiple locations and dates around the city.

Alive & Well

- When Deep Becomes Wide
July 8th
Location: Online

- Our True Identity
August 25th and 26th
Location: River Church Family – Raytown MO

The Sending Project

- KC Marketplace Connect
July 20th
Location Overland Park Kansas Chamber of Commerce

GateWay of Hope
Teen to Adult Women’s Ministry with Support Groups

If Not For Grace
Ministering to those impacted by abortion

- Comedy Show
Friday July 14th

- Reconciliation Weekend
Friday August 18th

0:25 Meet Wyatt Bury!
1:44 Life coaching and Counseling
4:12 Wyatt's Coach before Counselor
6:07 More than a building!
8:03 Using the community as an oasis.
10:36 Building Bridges Family Table.
12:20 Alive & Well.
14:48 Gateway of Hope.
17:00 Laughter is the best medicine.
19:20 Monthly prayer topics.

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