Project DIVA F 2nd - The Visitors by ABBA ft Luka Len Kaito - PV Edit by xtokashx / Sofia Masteer

9 months ago

• Title: The Visitors
• Music & Lyrics: ABBA
• Album: The Visitors
• Project DIVA F 2nd PV Edit: xtokashx & Sofia Masteer

I had posted on Youtube (now deleted) a tutorial on how to lip sync using the beginning of the song "The Visitors" by ABBA. Since then it was my intention to create the PV in its entirety. Being busy with other projects and collaborations, it was difficult to find the time. However after much perseverance I'm happy to say it has been completed.

"The Visitors" was released in 1982 and was based on the theme of governments' mistreatment of political dissidents and the violation of citizens' human rights; specifically the then Soviet Union's imposition of Martial Law in Poland and even the US supported dictatorships in Chile and El Salvador. See wikipedia:
Of course, we don't have to turn back the clock to see that this still happens today all over the world.

For this PV edit, I was privileged to again have the assistance of Sofia Masteer. She contributed several segments and helped instill the inspiration within me to go beyond what I have done in most other edits. The result is a marriage of sight and sound which is intended to draw the viewer into what is an otherworldly dream for some but a reality for many.


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