#16 I Went to the World Economic Forum as a Spy —THIS is What Scared Me Most

1 year ago

In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences, Larry engages in an enlightening conversation with Jim Ferguson, a passionate advocate standing shoulder-to-shoulder against the World Economic Forum and its intricate global strategies.Jim, a devoted patriot from Scotland with a fervent belief in individual liberties, delves into the meticulous research he has undertaken, unraveling the intricate web woven by the WEF. Unveiling their intentions to exercise control over the worldwide food chain by unsettlingly seizing farms, Jim’s insights bring to light the gravity of the situation.

Furthermore, the video sheds light on the disconcerting connection between prominent WEF benefactors and their zealous promotion of Covid-19 and other vaccines. Astonishingly, these very individuals ardently advocate for a drastic reduction in the global populace by several billion souls.The discourse takes an alarming turn as we explore openly discussed aspirations of globalist powers. The urgency for ordinary citizens to be prepared and resolute in opposing the affluent utilitarian puppeteers orchestrating the World Economic Forum becomes undeniably apparent.

Join us to delve into these crucial issues that demand the vigilance and determination of all those who champion the cause of freedom.

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