As a man Thinketh (1903)

1 year ago

As a Man Thinketh is a self-help book by James Allen, published in 1903.

The Book is an ideal read for all those who find peace, solace and motivation in inspirational books. It is the second work of author James Allen and can be considered as a remarkable achievement and a mile stone in his career. As A Man Thinketh will be a priced possession for all the inspirational readers, speakers and thinkers.

Book is the end result of enormous research, analysis and development done by the author James Allen. At the end of her entire research, he drives to the conclusion that a man is the result of his or her own thoughts. Your positive and constructive thoughts can make you touch epitome of success while negative and destructive thoughts can land you at the zenith of failure and depression. Basically, your thoughts are the food for your action and in turn, your actions decide what your destiny will be. James Allen explains the entire concept of relation between human psychologies, construction of path for the journey called life and ultimately destiny of any human being in a clear and lucid manner.

Second most important point covered by the author by means of this book is that every human being is responsible for the construction of his or her future. We often tend to blame circumstances, friends, family, colleagues or other secondary reasons which may have direct or indirect contribution in our success or failure. But we forget that it is us and only us who can be the architect of our success or future. If we have an optimistic approach towards life, then energies in the entire cosmos supports our cause and pave way for our success.

The book is mainly inspired by Buddhist philosophy of life. As per Buddhist scriptures and monks, it is believed that life of a man is the fruit of his or her own thoughts which in turn becomes his or her action.

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