Eye of the STORM Podcast S1 E10 - 08/07/23 with Dr Bradford S . Weeks, M.D.

10 months ago

Join Dr Weeks & I give you a sneak peak of what he'll be discussing at the Red Pill Expo in Des Moines Iowa August 12th & 13th. Dr. Bradford S. Weeks, M.D. is a pioneering integrative medical doctor who’s been caring for people for over 40 years. His clinical expertise is to help people safely detoxify from and taper off of prescription medications.  He accomplishes this by helping people correct their imbalances on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.  He helps people replenish their underlying deficiencies and detoxifying what is poisoning them in order to release the extraordinary healing forces within each of us. He has a very successful practice on Whidbey Island off the coast of Seattle.
Dr. Weeks is a champion of health care freedom. As we all know, you can identify the pioneers in the crowd by those with the arrows in their back and when Dr. Weeks had his license unjustly stolen by the medical board in 2013, instead of compromising his principles, he fought back in court to assert his rights. After seven years Dr. Weeks prevailed. In October 2020 the judge ruled that the Washington State Medical commission had acted illegally, having arbitrarily and capriciously revoked Dr. Weeks’ license with blatant disregard for Dr. Weeks’ constitutional rights including due process and property. The judge ordered that his medical license be immediately reinstated and since then, Dr. Weeks has been able to continue caring for his patients.
Dr. Weeks has had to become politically active over the years in order to fight for healthcare freedom. He served as Vice-Chairman of the National Health Federation, (https://thenhf.com) which, being founded in 1955, is America’s oldest heath freedom organization. Dr. Weeks also serves on the board of the Government Accountability Project (www.whisleblower.org) which is America’s leading organization protecting whistleblowers.  Most importantly, Dr. Weeks founded the Corrective Health Institute (CHI) which is a 501-C3 organization committed to educating citizens and public servants about low cost, effective, public health measures.
Dr Weeks can be reached at md@weeksmd.com (mailto:md@weeksmd.com)
Dr. Weeks posts cutting edge information at www.weeksmd.com (http://www.weeksmd.com/).
See his lectures on  ~YouTube: BradWeeksMD (https://www.youtube.com/user/BradWeeksMD)

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Happy Sabbath! Blessings!!


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